Second blog - Lack of hands on approach in manual therapy.

The title says it all. Since I started my training back in 2011, studying at The Northen Institute of Massage one of the first things the head lecturer said was ‘never sacrifice hands on approach with machines, it’s lazy’. That has stuck with me!

Now, do not get me wrong, I adopt many techniques were I do not technically use my hands such as cupping, acupuncture and iastm BUT I always base my full treatment sessions around my hands on ‘remedial’ training typically at the beginning and end of the sessions. 

I frequently have conversations with clients about the treatments they have had previous and it’s becoming more and more common to hear them saying ‘the therapist just put me on a machine’ and sometimes ‘the therapist just put me on a machine, then left the room with me on it’. That’s just crazy in my opinion. 

I’m also a big believer in ‘homework’ for clients. Whether it’s rehab to work on before the next session or to work on posture / sleeping and nutritional habits. With every client I explain the benefits of rehabilitation and emphasise that the fact that a huge amount of the recovery is done off the treatment couch than it is on it.

Hands on vs hands off treatment must only be decided once a thorough diagnosis has been made. Examination with all injuries is key in finding the root cause and not just treating the symptoms



First blog - Back pain associated with The Deadlift